"Every great design begins with an even better story." – Lorinda Mamo.

Even with so much advancement and growth in the safety field of the automobile sector, accidents are still taking place, and we are losing precious lives. One of the most significant causes is the distractions inside and outside the vehicle to the driver.

'HUSH' - 'Head-Up Show Hielaman' gets its name partly from HUDs - Head Up Displays and partly from the aboriginal Australian shield - 'Hielaman', as it helps protect by preventing accidents by reducing distractions.

HUSH uses modern sensors and cameras to display the road ahead on the monitor, in the line of sight of the driver. With all the necessary information (to the driver) overlayed on display.

HUSH ensures the attention and focus of the driver on the road up ahead, thus keeping not only the driver but the passengers and other people on the road safe.

User Group: The user group was tailored to all the drivers aged 18 to 65 who own and drive their private vehicles.

Vinayak Arora

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