Project Swivel

Public drinking fountains are an excellent solution to both environmental and health issues we face today. Despite this, they are rarely seen on the streets of the UK. Hygiene concerns were found to be a key barrier to their re-introduction.

Project Swivel aims to improve the user experience and perception of fountains through its unique feature which is both playful and functional. Swivelling the lid 180° reveals a clean side and automatically initiates the cleaning of the previously exposed surface. The design harnesses recent advancements in germicidal UV-C LEDs alongside rinsing with water to disinfect the drinking surface in just 35 seconds. Due to compatibility with various outer shell designs, the core fountain units can be installed modularly in a range of configurations and environments.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Anna Robb